Plead the fleeting moment to last

Saturday, October 02, 2004

What company culture??

Dear Blory..

Just had a revelation earlier when i woke up this morning about the company and environment I'm in now. Just a couple of months ago, I was in the position to command and control. I had the ability to listen to people's explanation and decide if i wanted to be the bitch or not. And mind you, I am quite sure that I was truly objective...

Now, i'm in this totally different culture.

Firstly, it's suppose to be company culture that when you make a mistake, you do not answer back.. and you do not question why... at least, only at the end of the day then you are allowed to ask questions.. but again, are you really allowed to ask without people starting to judge you?? So anyway, what can someone do when she isn't able to justify her actions even when her actions were not necessarily wrong, just not the way the leader wanted it to be? She bitches no? Okay.. make it sound a little more sincere, she confides in a fellow colleague... or group of colleagues.. of course there's the sympathy factor there.. then all will start looking at the other person in question and.. bitch behind her back.. no? Isn't this company culture?

Oh, and when someone does try to explain the situation to prevent the issue from becoming a bigger misunderstanding... she gets shot down with, "just listen when I tell u to.." no buts, no becauses and no whys... wait, they did warn us that this is company culture.. but also encouraged us to be above all that bitching nonsense. Unfortunately, there really isn't any other avenues for anyone to go.. if they have been wrongly reprimanded besides either talking to the mirror or to their friends... and when they talk to their friends, they are seen as bitching.. it's a vicious cycle i tell you...

Why can't people just be more matured and welll... let the leaders listen to their subordinates? At least if the miscommunication is being cleared on the spot, it saves people alot of trouble to go stabbing one another at the back. It will definately also make the person who's still harping on the situation look stupid and thus, minimise bitching? Of course we can't expect people to be that unassuming, mature and rational no? Nope... human beings are never that good. Oh, and even if they are... never reveal yourself too much coz you never know who's listening... or who's really your friend... oh gosh.. now, we have to keep saying sorry and be on guard for ever and ever? How will we ever be able to change the culture that they keep encouraging us to change?

People tell us on one hand that it's the culture and on the other hand to change it... but nothing's been done to allow it to be changed.. wat company culture? Oh welll.. i guess... it's company culture that most people probably feel the way I do but nobody says anything about it... coz watever you do might get you into trouble either ways.. so why bother? Fuck company culture...


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