Plead the fleeting moment to last

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

clicking "refresh"

good morning world!!!!! i slept a good 12 hours last nite and now, i'm super refreshed!! I feel like the part in Hairspray when the lead actress woke up and broke into a GOOD MORNING BALTIMORE song.. so.. ahem.. "good morning singapore (yuck)" lalalala...

hokay... crap crap.. well, reason why i'm so super tired is that my silly beijing flight got delayed due to a power surge (read:blackout) and basically, cockpit lost power. and because we were already on the runway, we had to wait for a new gate no, get towed back, and fixed. 3 hours later, after feeding the pax with juice, water, peanuts, biscuits and noodles, we were told to... go back to hotel coz problem cannot be rectified. that's 7pm. my flight was suppose to have taken off 4ish pm.

back at the hotel, we had no idea wat the plan was gonna be so nobody could really sleep well. and we only got the note ard 2 plus in the morning that our pick up is 7am. so yeap.. and we're operating.. and.. it's a full freaking load. argh...

and then.. it's work as per normal again (or so we thought) until we taxiied.. and taxiied.. and 2 hours later, we're still taxiing. yeap. again, flight got delayed coz we needed air traffic clearance and had to wait.. then there was a looong queue.. and then.. we had to change runway. PTUI!!! so pax who were already pissed.. got more sianz.. and while i feel their pain, i was too tired to bother. so a simple 5hr 30min flight becaue a super draggy overnite and thereafter 9 hrs flight! basket, never even hit 2.5 times.

ah well... work hard for the money, eh? it's not easy money lor!!!

and my entire week's schedule got screwed up. I guess the only good thing is i got taken off my colombo flight. heehee... yay!

methinks i've more or less come to a decision to quit in jan, take the rest of the month off (since i have been working since graduation and i'm tired) before looking for a job. (my last horriday!!!) as excited as i am about quitting and stepping outta my comfort zone and coming back to earth, i am also shit scared as hell lah!. the subsequent looking for jobs (anybody got lobang?) getting lesser pay, bringing work home, additional stress, looong working hours, no more overseas trips (!!!) sigh.. i wonder why i put myself through it. but i guess i've answered the question to myself and the million and one people who have asked me. i NEED to do something different and something that challenges me... and well, I guess i'm done with the past 3 yrs of discovering the world and myself. now's the time to start establishing and rooting myself, somewhere. so big bad world, here i come, again...

apart from that, i guess what i'm most happy about is the fact that i feel like i've just woken up from a super long sleep/nightmare/watchumacalit. the past 3 yrs, as fun and as entertaining and as crazy as it has been, i guess i lost myself and basically allowed myself to explore dark alleyways and do stupid things. i dun regret it... but i'm not proud of it.. it's more like a been there done that and now, i think i've been there enough and done that sufficiently. so yeap. i'm done. it's like.. clicking on the refresh button and reloading now.

so it's back to more resume writing, sending them out, interviews, getting nervous coz you dunno if you got the job, whatever whatever... so exciting!! so scary!! so ... ahhhh!!!! lucky i got a coupla weddings to keep me occupied in jan and feb. IF NOT, DIE. i hope i dun die of boredom while i'm job seeking though. i dun mind more freelance weddings though so.. erm.. keep em recommendations comin yea?

hokay lah... time to go out and start my day. have a grreeeaat day peeps!!


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