Plead the fleeting moment to last

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

On mc... fucking boring!!

Pardon me coz i'm like rotting away at home...

Instructions: Before you read the post, name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. List those names down in any order, before answering the questions.

here are my 20!

1. Louis
2. Gracia

3. Annnah
4. Adrian
5. Nicky
6. Selwyn
7. Char
8. Shirley
9. Aly
10. Val
11. Pris
12. Derrikq
13. Raymond
14. Shereen
15. Deanna
16. Sharon
17. Brandon
18. Ivan
19. Elissa
20. Normie

Questions:1. How did you meet number 14?
Hmmm... in a hotel room in... frankfurt if i remember correctly, then we went london, then realised we have lots more connections. ha! small world...

2. What would you do if you had never met Number 1?
Fwah... then i wun have been able to experience what loving someone meant... awww *shy* and develop a hell lot of patience.

3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
HA!~ I would... i dunno man.. all hell breaks loose, cat-fight ensues and i'll have a freakin good laugh!

4. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Er... one's pretty gay, the other's pretty straight, i doubt it...

5. Describe no.3.
only meee... can make the darkness bright... only meee... blah blah.. tall, sporty, crappy, noisy, duh.. very much like me actually, blessing in disguise we never went same poly or same church. Total chaos!!!

6. Do you think No.8 is attractive?
Yep she is... ultra "teh" too!

7. Tell me something about No.7.
my part time bf's gf turned one of my galpals!! Love her to bits and I love the way she's bitchy just to protect her friends. Softy at heart, housewife-to-be!!

8. Do you know anything about no.12's family?
No man... other than.. er.. they speak mandarin??

9. What is no.18's favorite pastime?
doing his gf's assignment, or wowing, or smoking, or...... okay... poetry!

10.What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
haha... I'll tell her, er... "i love u too.. but i prefer men... but i still love u!!" aww lor lor lor..

11. What language does 15 speak?
predominantly english, I believe she HAS to know malayu... prolly Singlish.

12. How old is 16 now?
23 going on 24!!

13. When was the last time u talked to 13?
erm... if u consider all types of communication, sms was maybe 5 min ago??

14. Who's 2's favorite singer?
yikes... she's got so many... er er... she's so gonna kill me... actually, she's got too many to mention, so i shan't even start... her range is quite wide.

15. Would you date number 4?
That'll be like... incest man..

16. What's 10's last name?
the one we ALWAYS make fun of... val.. HOWWWWE????

17. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 19?
sure... we'd tell people we are sisters and people actually believed us.

18. What schools did 3 go to?
hah.. taonan pri (issit??), st hildas sec, s'pore poly, newcastle!! i'm good eh..

19. Where does 6 live?
currently in sydney, newtown (rite??) if not, bedok south ave 1!

20. What's your favorite thing about number 5?
errr... he let me buang his car.. okok.. i'm kidding. he's my bestest guy friend! of course i love everything... cept him being anal about cleanliness, not letting me drive anymore, always calling me fat... etc etc etc..

and now i meme: everyone on the above list that has a blog!!


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