Plead the fleeting moment to last

Friday, December 05, 2008

today, i met a nice guy...

it was something rare, something peter and i thought we'd never see... especially in sg, where everyone's just busy minding their own business... trying their very best in their little ways to stay in as low a profile as they can. yes.. people can be nice. they give way when they see us (me) walking/hobbling our way through. they stop and not honk when we take just a tad tooooo long to get into the cab and cause a line of vehicles waiting behind. the crutches and wheelchair does have good points. but i digress...

today, i (we) met a nice guy while attempting to carry a huge bag with my laptop and hugeass wedding planning book (thanks to mrs ang) and a new sound system (which we had to buy coz we blew our own system up thanks to the voltage difference in taiwan and sg). as i was struggling with the freaking heavy box, this nice dude drove by and stopped beside peter... and actually offered to drive us home (from sheng shiong which actually isn't very far but it's the thought!). so yea... very very nice guy and i totally appreciated the thoughtfulness. he wanted to help us carry it up.. cept i think i'm woman enough to do it myself.

in anycase, my point is.. there is hope.

and after talks with the girls to stay sane and not put too much pressure, methinks i've done what i can do with the jobsearch shit. i'm just gonna apply to recommendations and all accordingly and see what happens. (i even tried LTA..bwahaha... what next!?~) yes.. it's the yr end, christmas, clearing leave and holiday mood kinda really isn't the best of times for me to look for a job. so i'll try not to fret too much and enjoy whatever's left of freedom and concentrate on being nurse/pa/physiotherapist.

it's not easy.. but we have to TRY to look on the bright side, no matter how fucked up and bleak things looks.


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