Plead the fleeting moment to last

Thursday, July 09, 2009

dedicated to the elf in my life

i've met many people in my life... the good, the bad, the great, the silly, the sweet yada.. you get my drift. you name it.. and yes, the bitches and all... i happen to think that my tolerance level is actually pretty high! that is, until recent years when i'm more grown up and trying to learn to say no and not get stepped all over but yes.. methinks my tolerance level is still pretty high.

it's not like i can't take someone talking fiercely to me... and all that blah. i can take nagging and whining anytime. yes, unfortunately for me, sometimes even bullying... but hey, high treshold remember??

but what i cannot absolutely cannot take is if someone is condesending and talks down to me. omg it just makes my blood boil.

i mean... i've come to realise that some people actually DO find pleasure in watching other suffer. some people DO find it funny to tread all over you, make you feel small, and then thread on you somemore. i think it's sad. they actually DO take joy in knowing that their existance actually irks someone so much that hey, somebody bothers to even be irked to begin with!!

fuck man, you are just a fucking person, short fart, who can't even type the words "thanks". how the hell did you even grow up? you mean nothing and you ARE nothing when u leave the company. you are NOTHING when you knock off work. YOU are nothing when you're dead.


sigh.. gawd i wish i can say it into her face and add a shoe or a palm to it right after.


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