Plead the fleeting moment to last

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Thoughts, thoughts and more thoughts

Dear Blory...

Today's been a rather rollercoaster day for me. Not physically coz the only thing i did constructive was to visit the gym (finally), but well, an emotional and mental one for me. I'm currently speechless even though throughout the entire day, I had kinda constructed millions of things I wanted to say.

I wanted to say...

Hey, look at it this way, all of us will someday become someone elses' fleeting memory. Yes, things will be lovey dovey and all sweet but somewhere along the line, things happen and all good things come to an end. So what do we do? We embrace the feelings we have now and plead the fleeting moment to last forever. And when it doesn't, at least you'll be prepared to close the chapter and open a new chapter, a new beginning, a new moment in life that you'll forever hold dear to you. And know that each and every of this moment will always be different.

Bittersweet but true. We read about these things in books, magazines.. we hear about it from friends and I'm pretty sure, we've experienced it somewhere along the line. The disappointment, hurt and sadness that will always accompany the sweetest memories of a relationship. We are all just drawn like a moth to a light to temptations even though we know the consequences. But wat can we do? We are only humans in this big bad world. Men fell since the beginning of time... there's really no escaping this reality is there?

I just read his blog.

Love... There can only be one kind of love that will last and that is unconditional love. Agape, as the bible calls it... that can really only be done so by God himself. But I think there's another kind of love that might be able to withstand the test of time. It probably wun be as righteous or self sacrificial as the love mentioned above, but well, it's the kind of love you know you can only give to one person in your entire life. That one kind of love that you know once it's given, will never be able to be withdrawn because you can't bear to ever withdraw it. Yet you're not clinging onto it and are letting go. Hasn't it always been said that if you love someone you've got to set them free? That's the love I'm talking about.

Yes, falling in love with someone else is not impossible and I'm sure people have found the ability to love again and again. But I really believe, and also as Nicky says, that this love will be different from the other love, and from the other love and so on coz nobody can take the place of another person. Every memory of someone will be different and every love, every moment you carve in your heart will be different.

I dunno what else to say anymore. Sometimes I wish he'd just try to right the wrong instead of wallowing in self-pity and depression. But then again, I dunno what the right and wrong is anymore. He's going on a holiday tomorrow with her. As much as I wish the plane will crash, I pray it wouldn't coz I dun think I can bear the thought of them dying together. This is mean but she can go down with the plane for all I care.

Maybe we just need more time to figure out what do we want. I know I probably shouldn't be saying this but in case you're wondering... I've also been wondering if I can ever find someone who will share the exact dream with me...

Ah well, do we then settle for second best? How will we know what's best and what's bestest? Sigh.. I dunno, hence I remain here, pondering...


  • At 2:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A person may right a wrong, add tape to a cracked mirror, but the mirror would show a reflection that is relatively distorted. The same goes for relationships. It's very easy to forgive, but almost impossible to forget.

    We can never find a person who shares exactly the same dreams as us. Our dreams evolve, people change, and life goes on. Each and every relationship is a module, a lessson, and if we have learnt something, its time we graduate, and move on to another subject; of cos, the jaded ones will end up teaching that subject. :)



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