Plead the fleeting moment to last

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Let me go...

Firstly, wanna say thank you to each and everyone of my friends who turned up at Liquidroom last nite to celebrate my birthday. Hope you all enjoyed urselves. I certainly did. *hugs*

23... sigh... I use to tell myself that I wanna get married by 24 *shudders*, have a nice happy 2-person honeymoon with my hubby for like a coupla years then get a kid before 30. Isn't it funny how life always turns upsidedown when you are reaching the end? It's like tripping before u reach the finishing line or the very last traffic light before you reach your destination turning red right after the car in front of you. How about putting the very last card on a tower of playing cards to see them all tumbling down? Or maybe winning a game of majong just to realise you're short of one tile? Anyway, you get the point.

It always happens like that. Sometimes someone can be perfect but the timing just isn't right. And you seem to wonder what it could've or should've or would've been if the timing was better. But then, hanging on to the should'ves, could'ves and would'ves will just keep holding you back from wat should be, would be and could be good.

I think we all should take a chance on life to see what else it holds in store for you. I think I should take a chance on allowing myself to be loved the way I deserve to be.

I've lost the ability to cry and sometimes, all it takes is a good cry for you to move on.

I need to cry.... I need to be human... I need to feel...

"I think all of us want to feel something...
Something that we turned our backs on...
Cos maybe we didn't realise how much we were leaving behind...
We need to remember what use to be good...
If we don't, we won't recognise it even if it hits us between the eyes..."


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