Plead the fleeting moment to last

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lazy me

Okay... I admit, I'm getting lazy. But then again, can't help it when I really have been busy flying in and out of singapore. It ain't funny coz my body has finally given up and cried out in agony.

I'm sick. Yes and no... i know some people think i'm sick mentally and yah.. i may be sick in the head sometimes but no, i'm not talking about sick sick. Kekeke... there you go.. that was a "wtf moment". Anywayz, as I was saying, fell sick on my 2nd day in Manchester. It's really been a long time i've ever felt this way. Body ached like crazy, throat ached like hell, head ached like fuck. I thought by popping two panadols I would be miraculously cured. But that was not the case... so I spent the entire day mopping around my hotel room, trying to sleep, eventually crying myself to sleep coz the pain was freaking unbearable. My throat hurts as I type now and each time I swallow. Think I better pop by the doctor's later today. Oh.. and pay my bills too.. sheesh.

How does it feel to be emotionally void? I dun even know if I miss that someone coz I think I've forgotten how missing someone feels like. Ah.. I dunno and I dun wanna know.

If only life could be as simple as ... just playing in ur playpan and giving a big yelp knowing that mama will come cuddle you or feed you asap.

I met Will on flight today. Cute. Big eyed with long hazel eyelashes. When he smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat coz the smile was so genuine. I could tell Will liked me too! Even my colleagues were teasing me about him. I refused to let him outta the plane without saying goodbye to him and to look into those mesmerising eyes one last time. To me, they were filled with nothing but a sense of wonder. May Will never be tainted and even when bad things come along his way, may he look at it with these same hazel eyes and take everything in his stride.

Like I always say... I'll only have a kid if I know he or she's gonna be as cute as someone like Will.. or.. that's what I hope my kid will be, IF I eventually DO have a kid. Oh well...


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