Plead the fleeting moment to last

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Just wondering...

On arrival to London, I turned on the teevee, BBC, only to watch the coverage of the air crash in Greece killing all pax in the plane. Halfway during the times I'm actually in the hotel watching news, two helicopters crashed. And finally, on check out morning, another commercial plane crashed in Venezuala, again, killing all 152 passengers. GEEEEZ... why do we bother with all the safety drills, procedures and wat nots when it seems like most of the time when dealing with aircrashes, it really depends on the pilots to land as safely as possible and if they fail to do so, everyone will probably not make it out alive anyway.

Hmmm... apparently the authorities are thinking giving us, the public, a say in whether fertility treatments should be allowed to create babies with identical or suitable cells, blood types, etc etc so they can be used to treat their diabolical brother or sister. Lets say, it's now possible to bring up a child for the sole purpose of donating blood to another sick child. Today, it's blood, tomorrow, it might be bone marrow, then kidney, then wat.. a heart? Sounds like The Island to me. Seriously, I dun think it's fair to treat another human being as a sparepart supplier and I certainly do not wish to see the law ever being passed.

Others might argue that maybe these sort of cloning can bring hope, a better lifestyle to those currently suffering from a certain diesease, say... kidney failure. Sure u can clone a kidney from your very own cells... but who's gonna carry that spare kidney until its ready to be transplanted? A pig? A cow? Either that or.... maybe someday, humans - like a surrogate mother. Well, I might sound ignorant coz I dunno much abt these procedures. Maybe they've already cultivated some way to do such a transplant efficiently without being inhumane towards humans and animals.... I dunno, and I'm not gonna try to sound smart so yea...

In the meantime, who's to say what a disability is? What is the message sent out to people who have a disability... that they should change it? That it isn't possible to live a fulfilling life just because they lack something others have? Who's to say their quality of life isn't better or that they are unhappy? Ah but then again, maybe I can say all these coz I ain't on the flipside of the coin. I dunno how it feels to not be able to do certain things. And all we want is just to live a little bit better, be a little bit happier and make things a little simpler. So... I dunno where I'm going with this, haha... just wondering how the world will be like if we can really start changing lives, improving genes and maybe even playing God by creating life.

Hmmm.... maybe I should cut down on drinking and smoking in case I may one day need a twin to donate a lung or liver or something... *CHOOOOI* But then again, if it's ur time, it's ur time.


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