Plead the fleeting moment to last

Friday, January 12, 2007


So i just got back from watching "fur", this sort-of-but-not-really-true-but-inspired-by movie of portrait photographer, who in the movie, was called Diane Arbus, played by Nicole Kidman. Nice and inspiring it was and it made me wanna pick feefee up (after a loooong while) again.

Why did I even stop taking pictures? Oh yah... coz it was heavy lugging her around. But then again, when did good things ever come easy? - if they ever come at all...? And I settled for dear old digicam - which I can't seem to find at the moment. URGH...

Anyways, as I was saying, INSPIRED.

To do the things I don't normally do, to get outta my comfort zone, out of the familiar and just live. To see things differently. To learn about people as people underneath it all. Without the make-up, the crazy hairdo, the funky accessories, the walk, the talk, the superficial. Especially without the hazy smoky air around and the blurred alcohol induced vision.

I wanna bring feefee to pakistan and I've decided to take the plunge. Ya.. literally, I've decided that for once, I'm gonna do something without the usual people around me. I'm going off-shore, live-on-board diving for a week with colleagues who, mostly, are totally strangers. And I have about 4 months to prepare for it. *crosses fingers* I'm gonna make it work.

Nothing else... matters.
Nothing else... but the ray of light broken into shards of shimmery flicker.
Nothing else... but the soft snow-light drizzle that glows only as it descents.
Nothing else... but the moment I walk beneath that tree and look up at night.
And nothing else matters.

Don't laugh. I just feel inspired tonight.


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