Plead the fleeting moment to last

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

living on a prayer?

the girls are having their training session now. yes, after a 15 hour work day, i come home and watch my girls being taught a new trick... brandy learns to go 'down'.. okay.. sounds wrong, but ya, basically, it means the bitch learns to go all the way down before she eats her food. sweetiepie whiskey has mastered the art of shaking hands. actually, they both have.. the power of food and patience (which i  don't have). haiz... 

anywayz... the moving's almost complete! we left some rubbish at the old place since EVERYBODY says so... and since the stupid landlord was mean enough to keep our deposit and kinda pressured us move out because of the gals... so... we left them a gift or two.. actually, 5 bags. hur hur hur.... people are actually impressed we considered REALLY throwing everything away for them. they all went... FOR WHAT?!@~ so yah... life in taiwan. 

besides being disgustingly broke, everything else is going great. well... considering the fact that peter and i both lost our handphones in the same week and had to get new phones which added to the financial burden that we already have, and i tumbled, tossed and flipped in the middle of a small empty road in the middle of the nite coz i tripped over brandy who decided to cut lane and run in front of me while i took her out for a walk/run. no more nice leg... no more~~

slowly getting back into the regime of planks and pole but methinks i have a loooong way to go before elissa's wedding. (got to look hot but how?!) sigh... that is kinda the least of my worries though. i'm actually more concerned about the fact that i might have two events, one on 12jul and the other... the major one, on 26jul. clients are actually considering either 26jul or 2aug so i'm keeping my fingers, legs, toes and all crossed. shit man, i should really start taking leave asap. 

finally got a chance to log onto facebook and checked out some pics of the gang. gosh i miss them so much. if only money and time and my boss permits a longer stay in sg. come to think of it, if i didn't have the visa issue to deal with, i'd prolly never be able to get away lor! the visa thing is now my best excuse for a getaway. i gots to get more hugeass projects to finance the visits and basic living though... so it's work, work and more work...

oh, and the only reason why i'm able to come online is coz I FINALLY HAVE INTERNET CONNECTION AT HOME!~ living 60 steps away from home is actually quite fun. i'd call peter 5 min before leaving office to wake him up, leave office, walk towards my house and shout for him and tadah!! down he comes to join my colleagues and me for lunch. 

(brandy's being trained to sit and go down as i type. poor girl's prolly thinking this is the most tiring meal she's ever had)

i will, one day, someday in the near future, post up pictures of the new place and the girls who are getting bigger and bigger by the day. until then, it's home, the gals and us that gets me through.

as difficult as it seems, who says we can't live on love? 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

ramblings of a lonely me

everytime i leave brandy and whiskey out of their cages to play while i stay in the room to either pack clothes or use the internet, i tend to be a little scared of what they'd do to each other. i'll hear scruffling and little yelps, and then when brandy rushes into the room half possessed or even when she struts in nice and calmly, i always wonder if she's killed whiskey.

baby whiskey dropped her first tooth (that we managed to find) yesterday...
brandy knows that the toilet is for shitting and peeing almost 95% of the time!!

my babies are growing up~!! (and i sound... omg... scary) hokay. enough of all that motherly talk.

i had a pretty interesting conversation with a friend yesterday. even though things happened a long long time ago, it's always been stuck somewhere within, always been hoping for a time when i can let it out, actually verbally (not per say...but typing) saying i'm sorry and finally move on from there. it actually does feel like a confession and it might not seem to be such big a deal to others, it ... feels like a huge load off my shoulders. i feel like i've broken a personal emotional barrier...

haaaa... okok.. it's not THAT bad. just that... i finally feel like i can really be a friend and be myself now.

the musical's almost over for peter and i must say... it feels way better than the first time i watched it. super duper proud of him and the fact that i love musicals makes it kinda surreal to actually see that someone on stage actually also sleeps beside me. it... feels... weird in a nice way i guess.

and once he's done with the musical, we can finally concentrate on moving into the new place, and i can finally fix up my pole, and he can finally concentrate on doing his own music, and the dogs can finally have more space to run about and not be caged, and i can finally get my own furniture, and invite people over for parties and... so.. YAY!!!!!

anyway, methinks i need to make more friends here. the company i have are peter, brandy, whiskey, nicky, sometimes dave, sometimes lydia, my colleagues and some vb friends that i can hardly meet now coz my weekends are fucked up. it's kinda pathetic and i might rebel soon. i really need a life, i really dun wanna be stuck living like a mother coz i have the rest of my life to do that.

i feel like having a smoke and a drink. i think it's pms. arghhhhhhhh......maybe being alone and having pms is not a good combi for me. knowing myself, i tend to fuck up alot during this time.

okok... i better go shower and get out of the house before i do something stupid.

Friday, April 04, 2008

it's a public holiday today!!

and i forgot the last freaking line.

hur hur hur... ah well, not like the people who read the blog actually understand what i wrote. (it's a poem i learnt since young so SOME might know and spot the 'spelling' mistakes la) oh yes, until today, i still make people laugh coz of the silly mistakes i make while trying to write in mandarin. you know how certain words have same pronounciation but totally different meaning? apparently, they never had so much fun with a presentation before. ptui!!

so yes, relationship with colleagues have never been better. now as long as there's a word mistake, it's on me.... sigh... oh what the hell.

so anyways, updates from up here in taiwan, everything's going a-ok for now. maybe the fact that i'm still living on my previous savings make it seem easier but once that fund runs out, methinks i'm gonna have to work part time. i'm actually contemplating starting an adult english tuition group with a taiwanese friend of mine who studied in Houston before and is quite keen on co-teaching. so... that's the plan for the rest of the yr.

oh, peter and i have our eye on this new apartment 60 STEPS from my office (save on transportation fees.. keke.. and maybe even lunch since i can pop home to cook, but what are the odds of that happening?? let's seeeeee.....) it's much bigger than our current place and most importantly, there's definately gonna be enough space for the girls to run about especially when they get bigger. brandy's already as long as her cage and her ears kinda stick out so we HAVE to get them out of their cages ASAP. only problem we have now is the current place we're living in isn't dog proof. (just think of poor mojo's wires being chewed up by whiskey)

btw, i love the new place coz it's really nicely maintained and it's furnitureless! which means i'm gonna be able to get my own stuff and decorate the place the way i want it too! the master bedroom has enough space for the bed, the huge cupboard and my pole so the spare room can be used as an office/guest room/sub rented room. so we'll see what happens when the need arises.

so we're prolly moving earliest mid april if the landlord agrees to our bargained price. we've paid a refundable deposit though and the agent will talk to the landlord for us. let's all cross our fingers and paws!!

that said, it's time to really start saving up coz the rent's almost doubled and my pay isn't moving. i can't wait to start taking on projects of my own and getting the fucking commission. i need the mooolah.

yes, pris says i'm almost married. dee says she can't imagine me doing what i'm doing here and not what she remembers me as bk in sg. the rest just have to COME AND FUCKING VISIT ME!
oh! sharon touches down today!! yay!!

i'm still the same, i still need alcohol and sometimes crave a little ciggiebreak but i'm good for now. oh! i swear less since i hardly swear in mandarin cept for 他媽的 and because my reaction in mandarin is usually slower, i make less sordid remarks so in my colleagues's eyes, i'm... hahaha... very decent! oh if they only knew...

i'm grounded, i'm stable, i'm adapting, i'm learning, and most of all, i'm happy.

till the next time i have a chance and am not too tired to log back on, adios and i miss u all.. muakz!~