Plead the fleeting moment to last

Monday, July 25, 2005

Nuggets of wisdom

It's been a nice weekend off and I didn't really get to do much. The break was good though. Finally manage to download songs into Chivas, my mini Ipod. Yipee!!! Bought it the day I left for London to visit Adrian and Ivan at 50% off!~ Muahaha... I was really in luck coz there was a promotion for that particular one week and the promo was such that there's only 1 particular item on 50% discount per day and limited to about 500 pieces. You have to have a boarding pass, meaning I can't be working that day but had to be travelling as a passenger. Lo and behold, on the day I left for London, it was the ipod on sale, and the rest is history... muahahaha!!!

Okay... to the more serious stuff. I am actually feeling like I need to do more than just drink and club my life away. Sure, no shit. Thinking of doing a make-up course and no, it's not just those 3 day courses by Bobby Brown or Mac or whatever. Something more substantial so I can get a professional cert for that. Also thinking of finishing up with my piano dip. Say I use this 3 to 5 yrs (if i intend to fly that long), I could really use all the free time I have to do something useful.

Or, I could save up enough money and leave after... say 3 to 5 yrs and go live in some other country for a good long period of time. Canada? Australia? Europe? South America? Africa? Whatever... just somewhere else... Hopefully by then, I'll have that special someone who will go along with me and.. haha.. as I always envision, live by the beach or something...

I wonder where and what everybody will be doing in 3 to 5 yrs. The guys would've finished their studies and wondering where their next steps will bring them to. Who knows, maybe aly and char will get married!~ Nicky may be sent to some wartorn country and become some reowned war photographer. Louis may be the proud owner of a darkroom and photography studio... and many many more.. I figured since we all have definately thought about where each other will be, I shan't mention too many... it'll just be repetitions.

What I meant to say is well, we all have a path that's been laid out for us. Not like we can't change fate or anything but everything happens for a reason. Every setback, every heartache, every bastard, jerk, bitch, sweetie or lover have been put there for a reason. To teach us what it means to pick ourselves up and take that next step forward.

No, it's not good to be numb so try to cry sometimes just to feel human.
No, it's not good to whine so try to be a friend to someone else for a change.
No, it's not good to be alone so try to love as freely and not hold back.
No, it's not good to be too easy so try to love yourself more.
No, it's not good to punish yourself coz life is as hard as it can get so try not to take things personally.

And the Book of Crap says... "Be calm. You can't feel stressed when you're feeling calm."


Friday, July 15, 2005

The closest thing to crazy

I'm having a helluva theraputic time at home today.

Spent the afternoon, FINALLY cleaning up my room and it's now spick and span! I feel like inviting everyone over for a room warming.. hur hur hur... :P

Anywayz, these 3 days off is, as I've just counted, my longest time in sg in the last entire month. Better make full use of it.

Am just gonna keep this really simple, short and sweet... so here's a song that I kinda really like:

The closest thing to crazy - Katie Melua

How can I think I'm standing strong,
Yet feel the air beneath my feet?
How can happiness feel so wrong?
How can misery feel so sweet?
How can you let me watch you sleep,
Then break my dreams the way you do?
How can I have got in so deep?
Why did I fall in love with you?

This is the closest thing to crazy I have ever been
Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen,
This is the nearest thing to crazy I have ever known,
I was never crazy on my own…
And now I know that there's a link between the two,
Being close to craziness and being close to you.

How can you make me fall apart
Then break my fall with loving lies?
It's so easy to break a heart;
It's so easy to close your eyes.
How can you treat me like a child
Yet like a child I yearn for you?
How can anyone feel so wild?
How can anyone feel so blue?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Lazy me

Okay... I admit, I'm getting lazy. But then again, can't help it when I really have been busy flying in and out of singapore. It ain't funny coz my body has finally given up and cried out in agony.

I'm sick. Yes and no... i know some people think i'm sick mentally and yah.. i may be sick in the head sometimes but no, i'm not talking about sick sick. Kekeke... there you go.. that was a "wtf moment". Anywayz, as I was saying, fell sick on my 2nd day in Manchester. It's really been a long time i've ever felt this way. Body ached like crazy, throat ached like hell, head ached like fuck. I thought by popping two panadols I would be miraculously cured. But that was not the case... so I spent the entire day mopping around my hotel room, trying to sleep, eventually crying myself to sleep coz the pain was freaking unbearable. My throat hurts as I type now and each time I swallow. Think I better pop by the doctor's later today. Oh.. and pay my bills too.. sheesh.

How does it feel to be emotionally void? I dun even know if I miss that someone coz I think I've forgotten how missing someone feels like. Ah.. I dunno and I dun wanna know.

If only life could be as simple as ... just playing in ur playpan and giving a big yelp knowing that mama will come cuddle you or feed you asap.

I met Will on flight today. Cute. Big eyed with long hazel eyelashes. When he smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat coz the smile was so genuine. I could tell Will liked me too! Even my colleagues were teasing me about him. I refused to let him outta the plane without saying goodbye to him and to look into those mesmerising eyes one last time. To me, they were filled with nothing but a sense of wonder. May Will never be tainted and even when bad things come along his way, may he look at it with these same hazel eyes and take everything in his stride.

Like I always say... I'll only have a kid if I know he or she's gonna be as cute as someone like Will.. or.. that's what I hope my kid will be, IF I eventually DO have a kid. Oh well...

Monday, July 04, 2005


Am finally back in London and it will be a coupla hours more before I hit the road to the airport and then back to sg. Kinda miss sg and I know I prolly missed out on quite a coupla outings especially Sel's farewell and all. Vina called and asked if i wanted to go and I was like.. babe.. i'm in london.. hmmm...

Anyways, the last coupla days have been a blast and I can't wait for the pics to be out!

We got lost quite a coupla of times in both Prague and Amsterdam. Ma bad.. ma bad.. keke.. but all turned out good coz it was quite an experience doing things unplanned and basically just bushwacking ur way through. To cut the long story short...

- Remembered wrong tram number
- Took wrong tram in wrong direction
- Took it in right direction
- Fined 400kc for not buying ticket
- Ended up at ulu, communist looking part of city
- Use hand signs and all sorts of wierd shit to ask for directions and tickets
- Ticket booth was outta service
- Walked to train station, bought tix, took same wrong tram back to where we started
- Had dinner and took right tram back to hostel
- Realised the damn blardy number was suppose to be '26' NOT '22'

- Got on the right platform but wrong train, apparently we were too early and I didn't expect there to be another train. Geez..
- Realised train left 30 min before std and started to freak out
- Train conductor confirmed that it went to ferry terminal
- Sat in train till we saw more cows and realised, this can't be it
- Alighted in the middle of nowhere and realised we were on our way to brussels (??!~)
- Took train back to Rotterdam to catch right train to Huek van Holland
- Missed scheduled ferry at 4pm
- Caught next earliest ferry... freight... left at 10pm and 7 hrs
- Had nice comfy cabins, dinner and breakfast provided
- Arrived 12 hours later and now safely back in London

Oh.. this has been one helluva trip and I'm ready to go home...