Started 2006 with multiple... happy ocassions and things should and can hopefully definately only go up. But before I forget, HAPPY 2006 to all deserving ones!!Here's a lil pic recap of what's been going on in 2005... the babes, mag, shirley, gracia and yours truly at club normanton's halloween party
Me and annnah... me bestest only meeeee.... again at Halloween party '05
Meeting me two favourite peeps from down under... sel and aly... one of those sydney trips where i fall asleep just about anywhere and everywhere... as long as my arse is on something.
On the way to a safari trip in Johannesburg where we stayed overnight at some bed and breakfast lodge. Really beautiful place with tons and tons of mosquitoes... *bbzzbzzzbzzzz*
Test tube shots. A must-have at any club normanton event. I should invest in a funnel. Pouring drinks in from cups usually result in spillage.. no shit..
Well I'm suppose to have more pictures but they dun seem to be there... haha... alrightey. Fine. Be that way. Hmph!!!
And now, it's time to go get ready for yet another wedding. Already my 2nd in 2006! Doubt I'll be drinking much... hopefully nothing today coz I've reached my quota last nite and the nite before. And according to resolution no... i can't remember but one of it, I'm only allowed to drink on alternate days. So... today I detox.
And I further resolve to save my first 10k by march. ;P